Menu Plan Monday

Good Morning Friends,

I hope ya’ll had a good weekend, we had a busy one at the Phillips’ house hold. We were actually spread over 2 states this weekend! Crazy, right?!?! This week is the start of high school swim season here and boy howdy, it’s gonna get busy!! So be prepared for quickie dinners and the good old crock pot from here on out. The out to dinner option is getting pretty slim here in my little town as 2 restaurants are closing this month, not sure what that’s all about? Economy? Work force? I have no idea, but at any rate the choices are ever shrinking here. So any “out” noted on the menu plan will either be an out of town trip or our favorite Mexican restaurant in town.

Oh I ramble, which I do have a tendency to do… any who, let’s talk supper. You gotta eat am I right?

sanity saver, love my planner

Monday: chili

Tuesday: teriyaki chicken & veggies

Wednesday: family night dinner at church

Thursday: low carb taco pie with Mexi-rice

Friday: million dollar spagetti with half zucchini noodles half pasta

Saturday:out with swim family


Well that’s what I got folks, what’s for dinner at your house? I might need some new ideas myself. 🙂

Blessed, stressed, and as always a MESS!!
