Fiesta Chicken and Mexi-Rice

What’s for dinner???

Is it just me or does that question plague you too??  UGH!!!! The drudgery of deciding EVERY.  SINGLE.  DAY.   Maybe your family has more thoughts than mine but I usually get nothing from my people when I ask them what they want for dinner. Insert this little gem of a dinner idea. There are truly no shortages of chicken/crockpot/mexi-fiesta inspired creations on Pinterest (gosh, I really DO love me some Pinterest) and I go there often for inspiration but let’s be honest my kitchen ain’t as well stocked as others.

If raw meat grosses you out I’m sorry.

What I like about this dinner option is just that… the options. In our trusty crockpot, or Slow Cooker if your all modern and fancy, we are gonna toss a couple of boneless, skinless chicken breasts could be frozen could be thawed (see, options) and some yummy sliced onions and bell peppers. In the summer I use fresh but in the winter that just doesn’t work with the old budget, luckily the grocery has the frozen onion and pepper blend in stock year round.

Top all that off with your favorite taco seasoning and cook on low for 6-8 hours, ya’ll it shreds up like a dream.  Now there are many serving options for this yumminess, you can have chicken nachos, or add it to a burrito or burrito bowl, go for a chicken fajita quesadilla type deal. Options people, options, many options.

Super easy, super tasty. I will tell you its kinda juicy so if you’re having fajitas or burritos beware it may drip down your elbows. ((smile))

OK, so food photography is an art and I struggle but that’s the chicken on the left side of the plate.

My rendition of Mexi-rice is also in this mashup, its on the right side of this picture. Click here for the easy how-to. In 20ish minutes (cause it takes 20 minutes to cook rice, unless you like it crunchy) you to can add Mexi-rice to your Taco Tuesday or leftover lunch plans.

Wishing you happimesses,
