Back 2 School

Good Morning Friends (we are friends, right?), the kiddos are back in school today and the old homestead is eerily quiet.  The weather is overcast and finally offering a reprieve from the heat, oh I know the heat of summer isn’t over but its nice to be able to catch a cool breeze now and again. Now I have to find my way back to a day to day schedule just like the kiddos, their’s was printed out and delivered at open house while mine is yet to be determined…plus it’s Wednesday, how can I really start something on a Wednesday (Netflix anyone?) Laundry is always my constant companion and the grocery will probably get the benefit of my presence at some point today as well.

Our eldest (Ashten) is a Senior this year, middle child (Emma Rae) is a sophomore, and our son (Jacob) is in 5th grade…its gonna be a big year at the Phillips’ house. There may be lots of ruminating on that Senior year thing in the days and weeks to come but for now we will carry on. I’m quite proud of Ashten and her Bible study group they made encouraging cards to place in the lockers of their classmates. Some have Scripture while others have positive quotes, all meant to be up lifting to those who find them. The girls have worked quite feverishly to get that many done in a short time.  We all need positive encourage in our lives don’t ya think?

For so long I looked forward to the first day of school, I love my kiddos but all things in moderation right? But now, now is different, now I know I am on the downhill slope as they head ever faster to adulthood. They finally get interesting and then they get a life of their own, how is that fair?? I’ve put all this time into raising them young ‘uns and when they are finally capable of interesting conversation and wiping their own behinds they go get too busy to hang out with Momma!?! How is that fair?? OK, so that whole ruminating thing came up quicker than I thought, but its my prerogative (anyone else hear Bobby Brown now? “I can do what I want to do, its my prerogative!”).

I must now decide what is for dinner.  I really fell off the meal plan wagon lately but I’m gonna climb back on and I’ll take ya’ll with me real soon. Also I’ve found my ice cream turn? churn? maker, the ice cream maker so I’m planning to play with it some and if I come up with something yummy I’ll let ya know.


As always Blessed, stressed and a big ol mess!!
