Quiet & Coffee

Well ya’ll its been a hot minute (what does that even mean, if it’s hot it lasts a long time?) I assure you I am alive and well here in the good old Bluegrass. During the spring I do an online data entry job and it only runs from about March to early May, and as the old folks say “Ya gotta make hay while the sun shines” meaning if you can make some money you better do it! HA! So while that plus regular life has kept me hopping it is truly no excuse to abandon ya’ll. Hand to my heart I’ll try to do better….

In all honesty I just had to search myself to see when I last posted (February YIKES!!). Let’s just hit the highlights quickly to catch up, I know ya’ll are on the edge of your seats just wondering what I’ve been up to.

February wrapped up high school swim session and the girls had some personal best swims. The eldest is a Senior if you remember so everything with her is bittersweet as its the last of her high school career.

Region Swim Meet Sophomore and Senior year.

March brought a sweet 16 party and a new driver in the house and well as Little Man’s USA state swim meet. Both events were pretty spectacular in our little world.

Look out world, here she comes.

April, hmm not so sure what I did in April?? Hubby had a birthday and Eldest had her National Honor Society induction. Well, so April was an exciting month apparently!?! Haha!

And now we are in May.… May is always a super busy month, can I get an Amen? So far this month Hubby was recognized as an outstanding swim official in the state of Kentucky and we had Prom and Eldest had her senior trip to New York City!! we are off to a great start…..up next graduation😢❤


Ok friends, that’s all I got right now but I’ll back in touch soon and we’ll cook some food. plan some parties and have some fun with this mess called Life. Ain’t we blessed to be livin’ it.
