Menu Planning Monday

Well friends Monday has found us yet again. I hope it has found you well and starting to thaw out. It was 65 degrees in my little corner of Kentucky yesterday and it was glorious!

Monday has also found me home with a sick kiddo and another texting me saying she’s not feeling so great?!? UGH, Calgon take me away….

Let’s just throw in REGION WEEK too!!! Yup, high school swim in Kentucky is about to get good people. Our little team is hosting the Region this week so hubby has been burning the midnight oil big time and it ain’t gonna get better until Saturday night. In addition to standard swim stuff I’ll need to make a couple of things to have in hospitality, I know yogurt and granola will be on the list as they have been requested (don’t that make ya feel good, when someone asks you to make something special).

So you may ask, Dianna what does all this crazy have to do with supper? Well everything dear friends, everything. This week will be minus the girls at the table for 2 nights and have us eating in shifts 2 nights. Fun.

Seriously, I don’t even know whats in there? I need to do a clean out & inventory.

In addition to all that I’ve decide we waste too much food and have too much just hanging out in the freezer (please note above sad photo) so that must be remedied. Freezer eating can be a little tricky, sometimes it all fabulous and sometimes it a mishmash, hodge-podge of a buffet. But lets be honest that kinda speaks to my whole mishmash brain anyway!

So friends here’s the plan…

  • Monday: meatball sliders (at my house this is meatballs with marinara and cheese on little slider buns)
  • Tuesday: Buffalo wings (I’m gonna try them in the Instant Pot, we shall see?) Salad
  • Wednesday: Pork tacos (using leftover pork loin in the freezer)
  • Thursday: Veggie soup (that big tinfoil thing in the picture is a ham bone perfect for soup) and sandwiches
  • Friday: Out with the team
  • Saturday: crock pot crack chicken sandwiches (Hmmm can I pressure cook this?)

Well y’all this is all I got for you right now. I hear my boy coughin’ up a storm so I’m gonna go check on him. Y’all take care and Ill see ya in the funny pages!😁😁
